“Vanessa Lee has her own definite ideas about this piece [Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 3]…It was a delight to hear so youthful a player invest the music with such fire and tenderness.”

Times Colonist

July 12, 2024
New York, NY, USA
3:30PM Summer Chamber Music Workshop Faculty Recital

With faculty from the 2024 Summer Chamber Music Workshop at Third Street Music School
Eric Eaton, cello
Susan Friedlander, flute
Aimée Niemann, violin
José Pietri-Coimbre, viola
Luis Mercado, cello

November 10, 2024
New York, NY, USA
5:30PM Recital at The New York Flute Club

In recital with flautist Miguel Ángel Villanueva

photo – bohuang.ca